Friday, March 15, 2013

Poyo Pillow

Poyo is a cat from the anime Poyopoyo Kansatsu Nikki. I love how round and cuddly Poyo is, so I decide to make a circular pillow with poyo on it. I would say this is my proudest creation. Sadly I would also say that this is my one of my worse sewing creation. I used a orange fleece for poyo's body and hand stitch/embroidered the outline and details. This took me 3 weeks to make, mainly because I get annoyed at my stitches easily rather than being time consuming. I don't like how irregular the overall shape of the pillow, I ran out of the fabric I used for the background and I ended up using a different type. So the my pillow ended up a bit...fluffy looking instead of a crisp circle. Despite the odd shape, I still love my poyo :)

Orange fleece
some cotton blend fabric for the background (I found it in my scrap fabric pile...)
black fleece for the other side of the pillow
embroidery floss: pink, tan, and black

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